

Captain Newfoundland Artwork by Mike Feehan

Captain Newfoundland Artwork By: Mike Feehan

In Search of a New Age Poster Art By: Stephen Aitken

Mike Feehan
Mike Feehan is an up-and-coming freelance graphic artist, based in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
Mike graduated from the College
of the North Atlantic and has a
degree in Graphic Arts from
Memorial University. To contact
Mike please visit
or tweet him at mikefeehan.
Stephen Aitken
Stephen Aitken (“Shiv”) is the author
of many books for young readers from kindergarten to high school, written
for publishers all over the world.
Stephen is a biologist and Senior Editor
of Biodiversity: Journal of Life on Earth, as well as an artist and illustrator.
To contact Stephen please visit or his blog